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Research Interests

I work on the demography and genomics of invasion with hybridization, under the supervision of Nicolas Bierne (ISEM, Montpellier). Combining natural sampling, lab crosses, and modelling, I aim to study the demographic and genomic parameters that can shape the outcome of secondary contacts.

My personal webpage is here.

Alexis Simon


Simon A, Arbiol C, Nielsen EE, Couteau J, Sussarellu R, Burgeot T, Bernard I, Coolen JWP, Lamy J-B, Robert S, Skazina M, Strelkov P, Queiroga H, Cancio I, Welch JJ, Viard F, Bierne N (2019).  Replicated anthropogenic hybridisations reveal parallel patterns of admixture in marine mussels. BioRXiv doi: 10.1101/590737.

Simon A, Duranton M (2018). Digest: Demographic inferences accounting for selection at linked sites. Evolution 72:1330-1332.

Simon A, Bierne N, Welch JJ (2018). Coadapted genomes and selection on hybrids: Fisher's geometric model explains a variety of empirical patterns. Evolution Letters 2:472-498. doi:10.1002/evl3.66).

Riquet F, Simon A, and Bierne N (2017) "Weird genotypes? Don't discard them, transmissible cancer could be an explanation. Evolutionary Applications 10.2:140.